How to add Contact Form Widget to Blogger ? - Blogger Tips and Tricks


Friday, September 19, 2014

How to add Contact Form Widget to Blogger ?

Login to your Blogger Dashboard and Navigate to the Layout Page.
Click on the Add a Gadget Link and select More from the left Menu.
You can add the add the brand new contact form the right side list.

Add a Gadget Link

You can set an appropriate title for the Gadget and Save it.
Contact Form Widget
Once it’s done, you should see the slick and clean Contact Form added to your Blog’s sidebar.The contact form has the below input fields
  1. Name – Name of the reader who is sending you a message
  2. Email – Email address of the reader who is sending you a message
  3. Message – The message which the reader wants to send to you.
  4. Below is the screenshot of the Contact Form Widget added to one of my test blogs.
 Contact Form blogger
 The Contact form has validations in place and Error messages will be displayed in case the user misses out the email address or message. Thought the form doesn’t have any captcha validation,it is less likely to be attacked by spam bots as the send button is triggered by JavaScript.

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