Why Google Paying Low Earning? - Blogger Tips and Tricks


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Why Google Paying Low Earning?


Short Posts :

Some People Think he will get benefit from short posts but they don't know Google is love long posts and that's why people blame Google. Short posts will not get any benefit from Google and for not good for SEO your blog will be dam soon if you still write short post.

Blog/Website Design :

Main Thing is your blog/website is good for Google. If Your Blog Design is Not good then you will not get any much benefit from Google Adsense because Google Show their ads on third party and your blog design is not good then your blog/website will open after some time and not attractive for visitors also.

Ads Placement :

Ads Placement is very important because when a visitor comes to your Blog and Site are they see your Ads? That's why Ads placement is very important and you should place your ads where their visitors will see your Ads easily.

Keywords :

Google Adsense automatically shows those ads who are matching with your website/blog keywords and its doing very well on earning I will post some very high paying keywords for you soon . You can also search on Google high paying Adsense keywords.

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